• +254 703375575
  • info@candleohopef.org
  • Emerald Court, Ngong Road, Nairobi



COHF adopts a participatory and consultative approach to project design and implementation. Each project commences with a thorough needs assessment. This is aimed at understanding the community needs so as to facilitate the implementation of programs that address those needs as appropriate. The community and the local administrative structures are involved in projects design and implementation to create an ownership of the projects for sustainability at all levels.

During the project implementation, community mobilization and sensitization is an on-going process throughout the projects circle and the local community actively participates in the entire processes and in this way, it builds the local community’s capacity to initiate, implement, monitor, evaluate and sustain the projects.


COHF has a robust M&E framework that clearly indicates goals, outputs and outcome inbuilt in each project before the commencement of a project and assigns responsibilities to specific staffs in the organization. COHF uses the USAID and UN monitoring and evaluation toolkits as guideline in its M&E approach. Each project is designed to include pre-project monitoring, mid-level monitoring during the project and an end line evaluation at the end of each project.

Each project & activity seeks to incorporate the objectives of the National Government, donors, beneficiaries, and COHF. This all- inclusive approach ensures that all parties are involved in the M&E process. Reports are generated to document the progress and are acted upon appropriately. This M&E process will evaluate project progress, resource utilization, sustainability & level of community involvement & contribution.


COHF mainstreams climate change adaptation in all her programs and projects. The Climate Mainstreaming adaptation entails integrating climate risks and actions into development planning across all our thematic areas and from the national to the grassroots level. This is essential for making development more resilient to climate change. One of our major achievements is ensuring continued build the capacity of our beneficiaries on Good Agronomic Practices and Agroforestry among other climate smart farming practices. Of great significance is training the farmers, communities and institutions in our areas of operation on tree nurseries establishment and management, tree planting to enhance vegetation cover as a major way to mitigate climate change and the adverse effects of global warming. We endeavour to partner and collaborate with both state and non-state actors in the fight against climate change by each year holding major tree planting days and events to realize our motto “one tree at a time to make Kenya and Somaliland green”